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Hosting and Domain

Hosting and domain are integral components of any website, necessary to make your site accessible to visitors from different parts of the world.

A domain is a unique online address for your website that allows users to easily find your site on the Internet. Hosting is the place where you can store your website and all its related files and data so that users can access them at any time.

The difference between a domain and hosting is that a domain is the address of your website, while hosting is the space where you store your website and all its related files and data. Without a domain, no one will be able to find your site on the Internet, and without hosting, your site will not be able to be hosted and available to visitors.

Therefore, to create a website, you need to first register a domain name, which will be displayed in the browser's address bar, and then choose a hosting service that will allow you to host your site on the Internet and make it available to visitors. We offer reliable and professional hosting services that allow you to store your site on secure servers and ensure its performance and security on the Internet.
What is hosting for?

When you create a website, it consists of a set of files, including text, images, videos, program scripts, and databases, but to make it available to users on the Internet, you need to use hosting services.

Hosting is a rental of space on a server that is available 24/7 and ensures the uninterrupted operation of your site, as well as protection against malicious attacks.

We offer reliable and professional hosting services that allow you to host your site on our reliable servers and ensure its performance and security on the Internet. If you try to host your site on a home PC, it will require a lot of knowledge and skills in the field of networks and servers and may lead to problems with the accessibility and functionality of your site.

Virtual hosting is an excellent choice for those who want to avoid all the difficulties of setting up a home server. Paid web hosting already includes all the necessary components for the reliable operation of your site, such as configured software, uninterrupted power supply, reliable internet connection, and round-the-clock professional support. We offer various types of web hosting, such as virtual hosting, VPS, Dedicated, and others, and will help you choose the tariff that best suits your needs.

In addition to hosting, we also provide other useful website maintenance services, such as mail servers, database management, site engine installation, convenient FTP access, and much more. We also offer Linux hosting and WordPress Hosting with pre-installed CMS, allowing you to start working on your site immediately without spending time on server configuration.

Trust hosting to professionals and let us ensure the reliability and security of your site on the Internet. Order hosting from us today and get access to a wide range of services and tools that will help you create and develop your site on the Internet.

VPS (Virtual Private Server) is a virtual dedicated server that is created based on a physical server. Unlike regular shared hosting, where several sites are located, VPS hosts only one site or several sites, but each of them is in its isolated environment. Each VPS has its own operating system, resources, and rights to manage these resources. This allows users to get dedicated resources at a more affordable price than renting a dedicated server. In addition, VPS hosting provides higher performance and greater flexibility in configuration than regular shared hosting.

Dedicated Server - is a server that is provided to only one client and fully managed by them. This means that you get full access to server resources, including processor, memory, disk space, and network bandwidth.

Advantages of a Dedicated Server.

High Performance Level: A dedicated server provides high performance compared to other types of hosting, such as cloud or virtual hosting. This is because you have access to all server resources that do not need to be shared with other clients.

High degree of customizability: you can customize the server as you see fit, install any necessary software, and choose the operating system.

Security: your data will be reliably protected on a dedicated server. You can independently manage the level of security, configure firewalls, and install software to protect against malicious attacks.

Flexibility: a dedicated server can be rented for any period of time and configured to meet any needs and requirements of the client.

Resource management: you will be able to fully control the use of server resources and allocate them among your projects, which will allow for efficient use of resources and reduce hosting costs.

High availability: with special tools and technologies, you can ensure high availability of a dedicated server and minimize downtime in case of problems.

In addition, owning a dedicated server allows you to work with large volumes of data, provide faster access to the site, and use a dedicated IP address for better security and SEO optimization.


When you are looking for a hosting service for your project, it can be difficult to make a choice. You ask yourself questions: will the conditions of this hosting provider be suitable? Will I have enough resources? We understand how difficult it can be, so we offer a free hosting test drive for your website.

For the test drive, you can choose any Linux hosting plan, with no restrictions on resources, except for the ability to send only 10 emails per day. Otherwise, all the features of the plan you choose will be available. The free trial period lasts for 14 days and can only be used once.

We provide the ISPmanager control panel so that you can manage your website easily and conveniently. The free hosting test drive is available to any customer who is not a partner and has not previously used the hosting test drive.

We are confident that our free hosting test drive will help you make the right choice when choosing a hosting service for your website. Try our hosting today and see how fast, reliable, and user-friendly it is.

  • Email settings:

    Email address: name@your.domain, for example
    Account (login): name@your.domain, for example
    Password: your mailbox password.

    Incoming mail server:

    use port 995 for POP3 setup,
    use port 993 for IMAP setup.

    Outgoing mail server:

    use port 465 for SMTP setup.

    POP3, IMAP, and SMTP are protocols used for sending, receiving, and managing email.

    POP3 (Post Office Protocol version 3) is a protocol for receiving mail, in which all emails are downloaded to the user's computer and deleted from the server. This is convenient if only one person uses the mailbox and requires access to emails without an internet connection.

    IMAP (Internet Message Access Protocol) is a protocol for receiving and managing email directly on the server. Emails always remain on the server, and any action taken on them will be visible to all users. IMAP is convenient for collaborative work on emails and access to them from different devices.

    SMTP (Simple Mail Transfer Protocol) is a protocol for sending email. SMTP servers do not store emails, but only forward them between the sender and the recipient.

A Database Management System (DBMS) is a set of software that allows you to create, delete, and edit databases. With the built-in tools of DBMS, you can easily add new information, quickly update data when multiple users have access, and reduce the risk of errors, as the table structure is already defined when creating the database.

There are different types of DBMS, such as relational, object-oriented, distributed, NoSQL, and data warehouses. Relational DBMS consists of a set of tables with columns and rows, while object-oriented DBMS works on the principles of object-oriented programming, where all information is represented in the form of an object.

Distributed DBMS consists of several files that can be located on different servers, while non-relational DBMS (NoSQL) is used for storing unstructured data. Data warehouses are databases that are focused on maximum speed of executing queries and data analysis.

In conclusion, DBMS are essential for efficient database management, facilitate the process of entering information, reduce the risk of errors, and quickly update data when multiple users have access. The choice of a specific type of DBMS depends on the project's needs and requirements.

PHP (Hypertext Preprocessor) is a script programming language used to create dynamic web pages and web applications. It is often used in combination with HTML and other markup languages such as CSS and JavaScript.

PHP processes code on the server, allowing the generation of dynamic content based on user requests. It can be used to create forms, process form data, work with databases, send emails, generate PDF files, and much more.

One of the main advantages of PHP is that it is free and distributed under the PHP license, allowing it to be used in commercial projects. PHP also supports a large number of web servers and operating systems, making it a very flexible and scalable solution for web development.

We offer the possibility to protect your website from viruses and other malicious software with our Website Antivirus. This tool detects and eliminates infections in your website files, instead of just deleting specific files, avoiding the need to recreate the website from scratch. The Website Antivirus finds and removes shells, backdoors, trojans, redirects, and malicious codes in PHP, HTML, JS, image files, and system files.

Before starting the treatment, the Website Antivirus creates current backups of files, so that data can be restored from them in case of unsuccessful treatment. The Website Antivirus operates on a paid subscription basis and has two scanning modes: daily automatic scanning and manual scanning, which is available twice a day from the Personal Account.

There are many reasons why you may want to order an additional IP address for your website. For example, it can help improve your website's security and isolate it from neighboring sites on a shared IP address. It can also help prevent DDoS attacks and avoid search engine blocking. If you are already using virtual hosting services, ordering an additional IP address is very easy.

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